Sunday, 13 May 2012

Man Drought?

There has been something playing on my mind since I heard it. I was driving home from work one day, listening to the local radio. Usually, I generally tune out the talk, as it's never very interesting, however this particular day, I heard the word "Man drought" which immediately caught my attention, being a single gal, this is not something I want to be true! As I listened in great anticipation, I discovered that people from the Catholic Church and others, are worried that women these days are being too picking, and should instead marry young before they lose the chance. Do we settle down on almost perfect, or wait for Mr Right?


Here are some statistics:

"Out of 1.34 Million men in the surveyed age bracket (25-34) only 86,000 are single and well off. Statistically speaking, there are fewer available men who aren’t in a relationship, married, bat for the other team, a single parent or earning enough (more than $60,000)."

Now for all of you people in a relationship, you'll probably be laughing, because well lets face it, this isn't your biggest issue! But for us single people, this is a little scary. I know for a fact that I am extremely picky when choosing a guy, and I know my friends and many others are the same. But can you really blame us? As we grow up what are the stories we are constantly told? The typical princess is in distress, and her perfect prince comes and sweeps her off her feet and they live happily ever after. The prince.. was perfect, so why should our guy be any different? Most of all, none of those 'princesses' in all the fairytales had to search for their man, but rather the man would heroically find them. Whilst we grow up, and discard the teachings of a fairytale, how much do we really let go? Do we unconsciously wait for our 'Mr Right' to come along and sweep us off our feet also? Not only are we bombarded with fairytales teaching us of these perfect princes, but every second movie is based on a perfect guy finding the perfect girl as they fall deeply in love and live happily ever after. No one wants to think that they now must settle in order to even get a man at all.

"Concerns about a "man drought" in Australia are not new. BBC News reported in 2008 that there were 100,000 more females than males living in Australia, and the gender imbalance was especially bad in Australia's coastal cities. The imbalance was caused by thousands of Australian men in their 20s and 30s leaving the country to travel or to find work, according to the BBC. "

So are we being too picky? For me, I would probably have to agree, but I think expectations are important in order to distinguish between the studs and the duds. Actually I have been told a time or two before that I have extremely high expectations, but there is so much hype about finding your 'one true love' that people have to be picky or they will settle for the first man that says 'I love you'. You are constantly told, 'Oh you deserve better", "When it's right you will feel it", "Don't settle" etc etc, but how do we know what is right? What we deserve? What is the person for us? I mean it isn't a simple decision, but rather this decision will impact us for the rest of our lives. That constant human thought "What if there is something better" constantly plays at the back of our mind. But how dangerous is this thought? This leads to people cheating or dumping their significant others in search for something more. So how do we know which person to settle on, or which person to let go? It's a difficult thing, but it has grown even more difficult with this not-so-recent theory that there is a man-drought! Maybe we should stop expecting our 'perfect princes' and come to terms with the fact that we are no princesses, (Not in the way that the princesses are in fairytales) we are not perfect, and we should not expect as much from our guys. We all have our faults, and I think if we constantly search for a faultless guy then we certainly will miss out on some really good guys.

Here is something to ponder on: do you have a guy in your life, who has been amazing to you, but you've always thought, he can't be the right guy for me? Take a step back and think, if he treats you right, makes you laugh, makes you feel on top of the world, maybe he is your prince, maybe just not the prince you were expecting. Don't turn him down because of his faults, but instead appreciate the person he is.

Ladies don't like men comparing them to barbie, or to models, these false unattainable images of females. Yet, are we doing the exact same thing by comparing them to the 'perfect guys' in movies, fairytales and other  


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