So this week's lecture was taken by Doctor Harrison! It was quite an interesting topic, it was all about ethics. This wasn't the only reason it was so interesting but the way the lecture was conducted. We were handed out sheets of paper with Good-Bad, Ethical-Unethical and told that the following may offend people. It was definitely intriguing!
We were shown the following advertisements:
So what would you rate these advertisements? Good, Bad? Ethical, unethical? On a scale of 1-5?
How low do they have to go to 'try' and get our attention? How does that reflect on their view on us? Is this what they have to do to draw us in?
Many questions immediately come to mind through these advertisements. What's even worse? Not all of these advertisements were even complained about.
How do we know these are wrong? How do we know these are tacky?
Doctor Harris elaborated on the three ethical theories:
- Deontology
- Virtue
But what are these theories about?
Deontology is based on rules, principles and duties. You will do the right thing by following these rules.
Consequentialism is all about the outcome. It doesn't matter how you got there as long as the outcome is good/what you wanted. 'The greatest outcome for the largest amount of people' - I wonder how often that is put into practice, but what does that mean for the rest of the people involved..? Who has the right to determine what the greatest outcome for everyone is?
And lastly virtue is based on good habits which indefinitely leads to happiness or goodness. Virtue is the dispositions of character.
So if one was to follow the rules, the codes, the principles, what codes are out there for us to follow?
-MEAA code: Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
-PRIA code: Public relations institute Australia
-AFA code: The advertising federation of Australia
-AANA code: Australian association of National advertisement
Keep an eye out on the television, on the billboards, even the advertisements on the buses... think to yourself, is that moral? Is that ethical? Is that an effective ad? Then step back and question what has lead you to those answers. Are advertisements justified as long as they get the audience? - Consequentialism. Are these advertisements following the rules? Are these advertisements demonstrating a good character of those who designed them?
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